Analysis of urban-rural relationship and its adverse consequences in the suburban areas of Rasht Metropolis Case: Khomem County

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student, Department of Geography, Astara Branch, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Astara, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Astara Branch, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Astara, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Rasht Branch, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran


The relationship between city and village in various ways affects the formability of rural settlements as well as their structure and function. Considering the role of these relations in the process of transformation and development of urban and rural centers, recognizing the unfavorable consequences of these relations and trying to reduce the negative effects of urban-rural relations in order to organize them, pave the way for sustainable development of rural and urban areas. will be. The aim of this study is to analyze the interrelationships between urban and rural areas and adverse outcomes in the metropolitan areas of Rasht. The method of descriptive and analytical research and its statistical population consists of residents of the villages of the four rural areas studied and specialists. In order to study and rank the most important adverse consequences of urban-rural relations in the suburbs of Khomem, from the perspective of experts, Expert Choice software has been used. The results showed that among the adverse consequences of inter-relations between City and village, as a result of the weakening of the traditional rural housing model and the development of urban architecture style with a weight of 0.187, has the highest rank, then using the WASPAS decision model has tried to rank each The villages of Khomem section should be measured based on the proposed consequences. The results showed that, respectively, Chaparkhaneh village with the value of 3.654, Kathehsar village with the obtained weight of 3.532, Farshki village with the weight of 3.421, Ashkik village with the obtained weight of 3.321, the highest and the lowest, respectively. They have the highest rankings.


Main Subjects

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