Territorial Behavior of Residents in Marginalized Areas: Analyzing Its Impact on Housing Patterns (Case Study: Banbor, Ban Barz, Sabzi Abad Neighborhoods in Ilam Province)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Phd Student, Department of Architecture, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran

2 Department of Architecture, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran

3 Assisstant Prof, Department of architecture, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran

4 south Tehran branch, Islamic Azad university, Tehran, Iran



Nowadays, a significant number of residents in developing countries live in informal settlements. The process of urbanization, accompanied by rapid population growth in cities, has led to the formation of consequences such as informal settlements around cities and metropolises, developed outside the official development plan. Marginal neighborhoods are mostly lacking in safety, stability, social security, services, and urban infrastructure. One of the most important symbols in recognizing informal housing is the physical and structural indicators and characteristics of housing. Housing and environmental conditions are one of the most influential factors affecting people's satisfaction with living in a neighborhood. One of the concepts that affect the quality of life in settlements is the concept of territory and territorial behavior of residents. The concept of territory refers to the formation of a limited area that individuals or a group of individuals regularly and sustainably benefit from, and feel a sense of belonging and ownership towards the space. Any personalization and marking of the environment or defense against interference is considered territorial behavior. Despite the high importance of the concept of territorial behavior and its role in the physical characteristics of housing, a comprehensive study has not yet been conducted on the relationship between these concepts, especially in the context of marginal neighborhoods in Iran. In line with this goal, the marginal neighborhoods of Ilam city have been selected as one of the areas with the highest rate of marginalization in the country for field study.


This study has been conducted using a mixed-method approach, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative methods. Since the main objective of this research is to identify the relationship between residents' territorial behavior and the physical characteristics of housing in marginal areas, the research questions have been formulated based on the nature, methodology, and background of the study. In order to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the research topic, a combination of in-depth field interviews with residents, field observations of selected housing in neighborhoods, and quantitative evaluations by architecture and urban planning experts have been used to examine this bidirectional relationship between the physical characteristics and territorial behavior of residents.

Results and discussion

A comprehensive review of theoretical studies has shown that limited research has been conducted on the physical characteristics of housing in marginal areas of Ilam city. Furthermore, there is a lack of comprehensive studies on how behavioral, social, cultural, and cognitive factors influence the formation of these physical patterns. Field visits and in-depth interviews indicate that residents, driven by self-interest, have made extensive changes to public and semi-public spaces, and due to the lack of order and regulation, this behavior has become normalized. These actions include unauthorized construction, relocation of high-pressure cables, and encroachment on public lands to create personal spaces. The findings of the research indicate that the perceptual-cognitive framework of residents plays a significant role in shaping the physical characteristics of marginal areas. Additionally, based on the findings, household economic status, social proximity such as kinship ties, and personal relationships play a crucial role in the formation and location of houses in these neighborhoods.Experts have emphasized the strong correlation between housing affordability, housing and economic issues, and the cost of construction in central areas of the city when explaining the physical characteristics of housing in marginal areas based on residents' territorial behavior. Furthermore, environmental factors, access to services, and personal relationships are among the most influential criteria in defining the physical characteristics of housing in marginal areas. Based on the findings, principles of interior aesthetics, order, law enforcement, spatial compatibility with residents' needs and desires, have the lowest average rank and importance in defining the physical characteristics of housing based on residents' territorial behavior. Additionally, among the main concepts, the economic concept has the highest average rank. The results of the correlation analysis show that perceptual and physical concepts have the highest mutual influence, indicating that perceptual concepts such as privacy and security play a significant role in shaping the physical patterns of housing in marginal areas. Perceptual criteria can be considered one of the key criteria in the formation of the physical patterns of housing in marginal areas based on residents' territorial behavior.


In conclusion, it can be inferred that the physical characteristics of housing and residents' territorial behavior in marginal areas have a close and bidirectional relationship, playing a significant role in shaping the design patterns of housing in these areas. The findings of this research highlight the importance of considering residents' territorial behaviors, cultural beliefs, social relationships, mindset, and attitudes, as well as their economic status and income level, in the design of residential environments. Architects and urban designers should pay attention to the territorial behavior and the significance of these concepts for residents in designing the physical characteristics of housing in these areas. By considering the needs and desires of residents, they can create safe, comfortable, and functional living spaces that cater to the specific requirements of the inhabitants.


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